Previously, I have written about the inadequacy of the Alderson transcription of NEADS audio files. I recommend that researchers and historians use the transcripts in conjunction with the audio files and, if appropriate, the radar files. In other words, rely on primary source information. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how an apparent dramatic call, out of context, from Cheyenne Mountain to NEADS, turns out to be a simple administrative action, not apparent from a simple reading of the Alderson transcript.
The relevant conversation is contained in NEADS audio file DRM2, DAT1, Channel 20, SD2 position. The audio file was recorded at the position of Captain Brian Nagel. He was dealing with track B089 (D 1989); the track that NORAD in the aftermath will conflate with concurrent information received about UA 93.
Nagel was busy trying to generate fighter assets from anywhere he could get them; Syracuse, Selfridge, Alpina, Springfield, and Toledo are mentioned. Approximately 10:12, Nagel received a call from Captain Taylor, Cheyenne Mountain tech control. Taylor asked that exercise inputs coming into Cheyenne Mountain be terminated.
Nagel, busy with real world activity, simply gave Taylor and administrative number to call. The call, 101200 Cheyenne Mt Call, lasted just 15 seconds. Nagel effeciently and effectively handled the call; it had no impact on his work. In fact exercise activity is never mentioned during Nagel’s work to generate additional fighter resources.
A listen to Nagel’s work will serve researches and historians well as they strive to put together the pieces of the NEADS story. Nagel’s position was “SD2,” Senior Director 2. He worked directly for the Senior Director, Major Fox.